During the summer of 2010 I read the book 2099 Betrayal by John Peel. It is the second book of the 2099 Series. It is an action science fiction thriller that is about a teenager (Devon) and a unique terrorist organization called Quietus outside of earth trying to destroy this computerized planet. The external conflict is the main character Tristan, Devon’s supposed clone is being chased by the police because they think he let out the Doomsday virus which Devon did. The internal conflict in the novel is that Tristan’s girlfriend Mora is also led to believe he set out the virus. Mora was the closet person to Tristan so Tristan has to find a way to clear is name with all the mental problems. The mane characters in this story are Tristan (already mentioned), Devon (mentioned), Mora (mentioned), Genia- an underworld, genius girl who is amazing with computers and was able to get a sample of the virus on a chip. Inspector Shamoda who is high up a high up police operative assigned to track down the person who set off the doomsday device but she is going after Tristan, mistakenly when she should be going after Devon.
Some incredibly important details in this story details in this story are-Tristan manages to contain the internet virus by making a virtual blockade but it can’t hold up for much longer. Tristan escapes from Quietus terrorists by slashing at one of their necks and running. But when Shamoda comes to save him (before she thought it was him) the identified the skin in Tristan’s nails from when he scratches his neck and the DNA shows up as Shamoda’s boss’s DNA. Tristan’s girlfriend tries to hand him into the cops betraying him (hens the name of the book Betrayal). Genia helps Shamoda track down Tristan when she gives her the virus sample but Shimoda’s boss sees Genia and sends her to jail. He sent her to jail but Shamoda is curios how mysteriously her boss knew she was from the Underworld. Devon leaves his home for the first time in his life.
John Peel uses makes this story unique from the multiple points of view he shows from the characters. This is the reason why there are so many main characters. The author also uses many literary devices to enhance the story. He uses setting with every character (except Devon) currently in the suburbs of Manhattan while the “Net” (computer systems) is getting destroyed their. The year is also a big piece in this story because so much has change in this world thus affecting the mood. The year is 2099 and the world is soon to crumble. Peel uses foil character making Devon and Quietus the evil characters and the rest good.
This book was definitely one of my favorite books. It is the second book of a 2099 series. I read the first book is called 2099 Doomsday Fear the Year and it was so good I continued on to 2099 Betrayal. And I plan on reading the rest of the series and you should too.
Whats the end about