An interesting book that I recently got hooked on is Shift. Shift is a mystery written by Jennifer Bradbury. The characters in the book are Win, Chris, their parents and an F.B.I. agent named Mr. Ward. Chris and Win, friends since they were little kids, decide to bike across the country. They began in West Virginia and rode all the way to the west coast of Washington. Chris and Win were conditioned riders, who competed in bi-athalons and other races. On the trip, Win leaves Chris behind when he has a flat tire and disappears. Soon after Chris arrives home on the bus alone, Win’s lies unravel and Chris becomes a prime suspect in Win’s disappearance. Chris is then grilled by the F.B.I. Agent. Will the truth come out?
The writing style of Jennifer Bradbury is very intriguing. The whole story of the bike expedition and the disappearance is told through the questions and investigations of Mr. Ward. Chris seems like a pretty cool character that does well under pressure. Even when Mr. Ward is interrogating him, Chris stays cool and collected. But his mother is the complete opposite. She worries and over reacts to everything. When Chris was leaving for the trip, she was worrying and upset that he was going on the trip. Chris’s father is an understanding person. He was the one who encouraged Chris to go on the trip. The father wanted Chris to complete the trip because of his own person problems in his past. When he was younger, he was going to drive his vintage Mustang across the country, but never actually left, and got swept up in responsibilities. Chris’s father sees himself in his son. He wants Chris to make the journey, to fill a void inside him. I am not sure of the real motive of Chris and Win to ride across the country, but I am sure it will come out later in the book. I can’t wait to continue reading the book and learn the Truth!
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