Over the summer I read the book the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. The book is about a lonely guy who doesn’t like life to much. This characters name is Arthur. One day his house is being destroyed so the government could build a new highway over pass where his house is standing. After a breakfast at a bar with his friend Ford, Arthur comes home to see his house demolish. While this all is going on an alien spaceship fly’s over head and tells the humans that there planet is scheduled to be destroyed to build a new space highway. As it turns out Ford is actually an alien too. So at the last second before earth is destroyed, Ford waves a white flag witch is the space hitchhikers symbol. So he and Arthur are abducted on to the ship destroying earth. After this Arthur and Ford went through many adventures like being lunched out of a spaceship into space and traveling around in a ship ran by probability. They also went to planet that has been dormant for 2000 years was awoken to build a new Earth.
I think this was a very good book and I would recommend it to others. I think if you are looking for a great science fiction story with a deep meaning and lots of symbolism this would be the book for you. I think this was a good choice for me for my summer reading. It wasn’t too hard to read but it also wasn’t that easy. It was more of a small challenge but sometimes it is good to go out of your reading comfort zone.
By Caleb Palley
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