Over the summer I read,
Watchmen, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. I really liked the book a lot, and it is probably my favorite book that I have ever read in my life. It isn’t really like a book; it’s a graphic novel, which is a long comic book. I decided to read the book because I saw the movie. I really liked the movie a lot and it was one of my favorite movies I’ve ever seen. I also found out that there are other graphic novels that were turned into movies. (Including
The League of Extraordinary Gentleman, and
V is for Vendetta. Also, the movie was very similar to the book. There were slight differences, but the only main difference was the ending, but I won’t give that away. There are a lot of twists and turns throughout the book, and a lot of things that you don’t see coming. At times it is very confusing, and if you see the movie before your read you won’t have a clue about what is going on. The main story is that someone is killing the superheroes. This is about 20 years after all the superheroes retired though. It starts when someone breaks into the Comedian’s apartment, and kills him by throwing him out the window. Rorschach is the detective in the story. He goes to all the former superheroes and tells them what happens, and they don’t really do anything to help him. As the story goes on more superheroes and villains were attempted to be killed or they were killed. Rorschach and his partner, Nite Owl II, figure out that the person behind all of this was one of their friends and former superhero
Adrian. (Ozymandias). They go to
Antarctica, where he was doing all this, and he had a plan to kill the whole world. It was for a good purpose though. There were already many crimes happening and if everyone in the world was gone so would the crimes. It was a way of starting the whole world over.
Adrian frames Dr. Manhattan, who is the only superhero out of them that had superpowers, and the world thinks it is Dr. Manhattan’s fault. So Dr. Manhattan ends up moving to Mars. They stop
Adrian, but still his plan somewhat works, it did kill a lot of people. At the end of the book, I was amazed at how detailed it was. I really liked it a lot and I would recommend it to anyone who likes action, or stories that the plot turns around a lot.
Watchmen is a book that defiantly needs to be read multiple times.
i really like the effort put in