Thursday, September 30, 2010

I’m almost finished reading, Elliot Allagash by Simon Rich. So far, its one of the best books I have ever read. The main characters are Seymour and Elliot.
The book starts out when Seymour is in middle school—in 8th grade. He is unpopular, and doesn’t have many friends. He meets Elliot, and Elliot tells him that he knows how he can make Seymour popular and admired by everyone. Elliot says that the reason he does all this is because he wants to keep himself occupied with a project.
Elliot is a very wealthy and mature character. He uses very creative and clever techniques to make Seymour better at sports, look better, and make people like him. Elliot even finds a way to make Seymour the student body president. Seymour is mostly happy about what Elliot is doing, but sometimes he has internal conflicts because he feels guilty because he is cheating.
This book uses foil characters, because for the most part, Elliot gives to Seymour, and Seymour takes from Elliot; they are opposites.
The part of the book that I’m at now is when Elliot gets Seymour into Harvard! So far, I really like this book. This book is creative, funny, and it allows kids my age to relate to characters in the book.

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