Over the summer I read the fantasy novel Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling. In the book the main character Harry, has to overcome many challenges both external and internal. The main external conflict is that Harry is competing in the Tri Wizard Tournament against the top students in the other wizarding schools and one from his own school. The main internal conflict is that Harry is competing in the tournament against top wizards from other schools that have a lot more experience than him. Harry has to be confident and participate with the best of his ability.
The main characters are Harry, because the story revolves around him. There is Ron and Hermione who are Harry’s best friends and constantly help him achieve what he is trying to accomplish. Another main character is Cedric Diggory; He is the other competitor from Harry’s school in the tournament. Two more main characters are Viktor Krum, who is the wizard representing his school in the wizard tournament and Fleur Delacour, representing her school. The last main character is Harry’s mortal enemy Lord Voldemort.
J.K. Rowling does a good job of using the literary device foil characters in the book. Many of the main characters act as foil characters towards Harry. Harry is competing against Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour, and Cedric Diggory so they act as foil characters in the form of a challenge. Also Harry’s best friend Ron is also a foil character because he and Harry get into a fight so Harry has to find a way to win back his friendship. Rowling also uses the literary device of foreshadowing. In the story, Harry’s headmaster Dumbledore takes Harry back into one of his memories. The memory is of a court case and it shows Barty Crouch Jr. being convicted for using an illegal spell. This is significant and a form of foreshadowing because Barty Crouch Jr. becomes important towards the end of the book.
This novel is very unique. The Harry Potter series is one of a kind because it’s about wizards and witches in their own world right outside the non magical world. The events that happen in the wizarding world constantly have affects on the non magical world. Also the main characters are teenagers so it’s easy for most of the readers to connect and feel empathy for the main character.
There were many highlights in the story. The main parts were when Harry gets chosen to compete in the tri wizard tournament, when the other schools arrive at Hogwarts, the ball, the competitions, and the ending of the book.
I really liked this story. It is my second favorite Harry Potter book behind Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I highly recommend this book to people who like fantasy and magic but I suggest reading the books before it first. Also if you have seen the Harry Potter movies, the books are ten times better.
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